Sunday, April 15, 2007

Step 14 - part 6

Objective: 400.00 - 800.00 HRK

Starting Balance: 610.00 HRK

It was more than a month since I last time posted to my blog. Unfortunately, my work took over almost all of my time and it was really hectic month. But, now I'm back and ready to do some serious doubling.

Few days ago I decided to start my doubling project all over again. I already give my doubling stake to my daughter for her savings account. Well, I change my mind. After giving some serious thought I decided that My Doubling Project goes just well and no need to restarting it. My main goal for My Doubling Adventure is to increase my Doubling Stake. And that's it. Everything that adds to my Doubling Stake is eligible doubling activity in my book. And I'll stick to that. I started from the Stuart Goldsmith's Report, and as time goes by I adjusted rules from the Report to suit my doubling needs best.

So, to get back to My Doubling Adventure. Since I took out the money from it and put it to my daughter's savings account I decided to repay it back from my pocket with 10% interest, per rule I already set up for situations when I borrow from My Doubling Balance. With repaying back money to my Doubling Project with 10% interest my new Doubling Stake is 671.00 HRK.

I also decided that I will impose Doubling Tax on all income I earn in my "real life". I set up Doubling Tax on 1% of my realized income after taxes. That source brings 71.00 HRK as tax on my regular monthly income for March, and 230.00 HRK as tax on my author's fee income. That brings my Doubling Stake to 972.00 HRK.

I took out 172.00 HRK as a profit of my doubling project. That brings my Doubling Stake to 800.00 HRK.

Wooohooo! Step 14 is completed! :)

Step 14: Completed!

Current Balance: 800.00 HRK

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