Monday, November 19, 2007

Step 19 - Update

It was a while since I made an update on My Doubling Adventure's Net Worth. So here it is one quick update.

Philippine private business deal ended up with success. I got 20% interest by the end of September and decided to withdraw both my capital and profits. Got all my funds safe and secure via Western Union. In total I made 41.94% of ROI since I started to participate in this deal back in May. Not bad. But the whole deal was extremely risky, so I'm happy to have all my funds back in safe.

I didn't take part in IPO deal that I mentioned back in August. Some things happened that made this deal less attractive, so I just skip it.

After all that, I parked majority of My Doubling Adventure's funds in money market fund, waiting to find some interesting and potentially profitable venture.

Here is the current balance sheet of My Doubling Adventure Project...


Cash 20.00
Money market fund 13,820.00

Total assets 13,840.00


Total liabilities 0.00

Net worth 13,840.00


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