Saturday, July 28, 2007

Step 18 - Further progress

Sold one more of my haiku books for 100 HRK. Buyer sent money via postal service, so my Accounts receivable went up for 100 HRK, and my Inventory went down for 37.94 HRK, the real cost of the book. Added some plastic bottles to my Inventory. I recalculated the value of my assets denominated in foreign currencies.

Resulting balance sheet....


Cash 890.00
Foreign currency 2,747.85
Received checks 1,081.00
Accounts receivable 262.00
Inventory 171.38
Business loan 3,187.32

Total assets 8,339.55


Check cashing fees 57.50

Total liabilities 57.50

Net worth 8,282.05


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