Saturday, January 20, 2007

Starting Point

I get my hands on "How To Double Your Way To A Million" free ebook few days ago, on January 15. I like the idea immediately. Sounds like a fun project or experiment to do. And I decided to give it a go. Then I get distracted by other stuff online and didn't do much for my doubling adventure.

Yesterday, on January 19, I went for a nice, evening walk with my 3 years old daughter. And she was the one who found the first coin... 10 lipas (1 Croatian lipa = 1/100 Croatian kuna). That reminded me on my doubling adventure. But I didn't get the coin. My daughter insist it was her coin and that we should put it in her piggy bank. :) Of course I respect her wish.

But that little coin reminded me on fun little ebook I read just a few days ago. So, I read it again and I decided that this time I will really start my own doubling adventure. I went to Google to see if there are other Doublers out there and I really find that there are others who are on their own doubling adventures following the rules of that nice little free ebook "How To Double Your Way To A Million". I spend lots of time on other Doublers' blogs and enjoy reading about their progress.

I decided that tomorrow on January 20 I will start my own Doubling Adventure. And so I did. And I'm happy I started. :)

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