Monday, January 29, 2007

Step 10

Objective: 25.60 - 51.20 HRK

Starting Balance: 25.60 HRK

January 29, 2007 - I got 0.30 HRK of found money... one coin of 0.10 and one coin of 0.20. Although it was not found by me, as I already mentioned in one of my previous posts, I don't think it is against the rules to accept such gifts. First, it's found money, second it was given to me, and third I didn't ask to be given that money. So, I add that money to my doubling stake.

After dinner I went to the nearby store and redeemed 10 plastic bottles and got 5.00 HRK for them. That brings my doubling balance to 30.90 HRK.

Current Balance: 30.90 HRK

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